School Assessments > Primary Assessments
CEM Primary Assessments
As your pupil progresses from early years into primary school, our adaptive baseline assessments work to continue that strong foundation and unlock potential for primary school children aged 5-11. We have two baseline assessments that work towards this goal: BASE (for 4-5-year-olds) and Cambridge Primary Insight (for 5-11-year-olds).
Read on to find out which assessment is right for your pupil, and how you can map their learning journey throughout school.

discover what children know and can do from the start
Support early learning and development.
A fun, interactive assessment, BASE is a tool that takes just 20 minutes and feels more like a game than a test. Demonstrate progress across their first year in school and gain empowering insight that will help you tailor teaching plans to best support your students.
For teachers in international schools, BASE complements the Cambridge Primary programme, and works seamlessly with the subject knowledge assessments to help generate a larger picture of your pupils’ learning pace and stage.
What is BASE?
BASE is, in short, a ‘baseline assessment’. BASE gives you a clearer picture of every child in your class through a fun, story-based assessment so you can help them flourish and grow. BASE can be used at the start of the year, as a fun first assessment that allows you to spot potential issues early, and then again at the end of the year to celebrate their progression.
The BASE focus areas:
The first year in school is critical in a child’s learning journey. Based on over 30 years of research, BASE focuses on the following so you can identify those vital opportunities for support:
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Communication
- Language
- Personal, social and emotional development
The benefits of BASE
Set yourself and your students up for future success and see the short-term benefits as soon as you start using BASE.
Instant insights:
- Understand your children’s starting points quickly
- Find hidden potential or additional needs
- Plan and resource interventions early
Long-term gains:
- Use BASE to inform your planning, resources, and interventions (for an individual or a whole-class)
- Monitor your progress from the start to the end of the year
- Meet your school goals and future proof your children’s progress (so they do better in their GCSEs)
BASE is:

treat it as a ‘getting to know you’ assessment

evolving with the child’s abilities

so you can choose the package that suits your school and budget

Quick and easy
it takes just 20 minutes to work through a fun story style session!

giving you quality time to observe your pupils in one-to-one sessions

no paperwork required!

Curriculum independent
perfect for the state and independent sector
Cambridge Primary Insight
unlock potential for primary children
Build a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning with the next generation of InCAS.
A simple, fun assessment that complements your experience and brilliant intuition with rock-solid data and unique insight into every child’s ability. It’s like fast-forwarding that ‘getting to know you’ time, so you can quickly get to grips with what your students do and don’t know and focus on what they need to flourish.
What is Cambridge Primary Insight?
Cambridge Primary Insight is the next generation of InCAS. It’s a child and teacher-friendly assessment tool, designed to complement your classroom observations at primary age (5-11). The simple, modular format helps you take your understanding of your students’ abilities to the next level – and lay a solid foundation for their progress through primary school.
Cambridge Primary Insight focus areas:
Cambridge Primary Insight is an interactive assessment and explores a child’s baseline abilities across five different modules:
- Reading – including word recognition, decoding, and comprehension
- Spelling – such as the ability to spell common, key words
- Mathematics – counting, arithmetic, fractions, data handling, algebra, measures etc.
- Mental Arithmetic – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
- Developed ability – picture vocabulary, non-verbal reasoning
The benefits of Cambridge Primary Insight
Cambridge Primary Insight has a range of benefits that help you slot this fun, interactive assessment easily into your classroom and boost your students’ learning journeys.
Instant wins:
- Know exactly where every child is starting from as you begin working with them
- Uncover hidden talents or where additional support is needed
- Benefit from a flexible system that lets you access the tool in one session or over a number of days/weeks as you need it
- Use this single assessment system throughout primary school
Long-term gains:
- Monitor and track progress with Pupil Progress Charts
- Be assured that the school as a whole is on track to meet its goals
- Know that you’re doing all you can to set students up for a life of successful learning
Cambridge Primary Insight is:

establish your children’s starting-point

it evolves with your students’ abilities and gets harder or easier depending on their answers

no paperwork required; just use a computer

lets you gain a deeper understanding of your students’ skills and strengths