International Schools
Support students to reach their full potential
Wherever they are in the world, Cambridge CEM Insight assessments empower schools like yours in over 109 countries to personalise teaching and learning and transform student outcomes.
Cambridge School IB World School Bilingual School
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Cambridge School
Formative assessment, or Assessment for Learning, is a key part of our teaching and learning approach at Cambridge.
CEM is part of Cambridge University Press & Assessment and our adaptive, formative assessments help schools support all learners to reach their full potential across all stages of the Cambridge Pathway.
Discover more about CEM and the Cambridge Pathway
- Understand student skills and abilities
- Predict student grades in exams
- Improve whole-school practice
"We looked at many assessments until we found CEM. We liked the fact that CEM is part of Cambridge, so it fits well with all of our programmes, and that the assessments were research-based and used extensively in the UK and around the world."
IB World School
Designed with you in mind, our CEM IBE assessment helps you to personalise learning to unlock your students’ potential and prepares them for their best academic future possible.
Our IB assessment is specifically designed to support the IB Diploma Programme. A quick, flexible and adaptive assessment, it supports your judgement as a teacher with insight and provides data helps senior leaders see which practices have the most impact on learning.
Find out more about CEM IBE
- Gain confidence at set challenging and motivational targets
- Predict potential performance in IB Diploma exams
- Get powerful insight into a students’ abilities
“We know that non-native speakers might learn more formal words and structures, but InCAS (now evolved into Cambridge Primary Insight) has a difficulty weighting for native and non-native language which is balanced evenly.”
Bilingual School
We know that bilingual or multi-lingual children face a huge challenge when they enter school. Not only do they have to learn a new curriculum, but they must quickly understand new concepts and develop literacy skills - all in another language.
Our MidYIS, Yellis and Cambridge Primary Insight assessments are effectively designed to help you, as teachers, help your EAL students, so you can identify, understand and support their learning needs.
Discover how Cambridge Primary Insight can empower your students
- Identify strengths and areas for support
- Tailor your teaching to meet individual needs
- Correctly assess the starting points of each of your students
“We use the MidYIS data to pay attention to building skills, confidence and motivation, and it’s the starting point of our focus on literacy across the curriculum, in all subjects and in every classroom.”
How can baseline assessments help international schools support EAL learners?
Using insights from baseline assessment data can help international schools recognise individual language needs. In schools that have linguistically diverse intakes, understanding how to support communication skills is key in helping English as an additional language (EAL) students access the curriculum and succeed.
Baseline tests measure a student's skills and abilities, not just their subject knowledge. Non-verbal ability modules within the assessment don’t rely on language so students can demonstrate their core skills. This means baseline assessments are particularly useful for helping teachers understand the true potential of their students who speak English as an additional language.
Teachers can use the patterns in a student's report to see whether they need to prepare more language help or if there is an underlying issue to address. Information from the non-verbal ability scores can also give insight into how fast a student might be able to learn English.
What are Cambridge CEM baseline assessments?
Every student is different. When new students join your school or you meet your new class, how do you know what their individual needs are to differentiate teaching and learning? How do you know where to focus your resources and support?
It takes time to reveal students’ individual learning needs and potential through observation alone.
Our baseline assessments can provide this information instantly. Baseline assessments are used at the beginning of a year or stage and provide information on a students’ skills and abilities.
What is a baseline assessment?
Find out how baseline assessments help teachers to get a quick, holistic view of what a student knows and can do at a single moment in time.
What is adaptive testing?
Find out why adaptive testing is more engaging, accurate, quicker, fairer and saves teachers time.
Information for parents
Find out more about Cambridge CEM, what we assess and why it matters what we measure about your child.