Does your assessment data empower you
to make a difference?
Knowledge is power and possibility – so make sure you choose the right assessment for your school
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Are your assessments really working for everyone in your school?
You want to understand who is in your classroom, what they know and what skills they have to learn. You want to understand the trends, the pinch-points, the highs and the hotspots. You want insight in an instant – without the paperwork – to back your intuition and apply your expertise. You need the right assessment.
Your assessments should:
- Save you time - not cost you time in administration and marking
- Be responsive to your students - providing a tailored, inclusive experience
- Provide robust, reliable data to reassure and support you
- Justify their investment through a positive impact on teaching and learning
- Provide useful data at a student, cohort and school level - from student profiles to a whole-school overview.
Check that your assessments are working as hard as they should for you and your students.
Download our free practical guide to choosing the right assessment for your school.
Do you have the right assessment?
Are your assessments tailored to the level your students are working at? Do they respond to your students' performance during the assessment? Do your most able students really get challenged to the top of their ability, and do your less able students stay engaged throughout the whole assessment?
Only a truly adaptive assessment such as CEM’s MidYIS, Yellis and Alis assessments can do this.

Can you use your assessment data to empower and support your fellow teachers to bring out the best in every student? Do you have access to insight to help understand who should be performing really well, but maybe isn’t working hard enough, and who should be getting great results but may need extra support?

Time Saving
A good assessment should save you time, not cost you time. Do your assessment systems automatically mark tests, and provide you with reports you can quickly and easily filter and tailor to your needs?

Level Of Detail
Are your assessments giving you the right level of detail for each student, and the bigger picture about performance across your school? Can you dive down into the detail for each student’s skills, profiles, and predictions, but also zoom out and get perspective on your schools’ overall performance and benchmark against others?

Find out what else you need to consider – explore our guide to choosing the right assessment for your school.
Find the right CEM assessment for you
Knowledge is power. It’s possibility. It unlocks doors, minds and futures. So make sure you have the right assessment for your students, class and school – explore our guide to choosing the right assessment.
CEM baseline and diagnostic assessments add huge value to Cambridge International Schools and the quality of its assessment is widely recognised in the UK and globally.
The InCAS assessment means that my teachers have a set of data which is transformational. It has given them all so much information on every individual child, so you can tailor the curriculum to ensure that every single one of them is getting the best possible educational experience.
The MidYIS data is used to establish a really good understanding of a cohort and make decisions about what is needed to move them forward. The data means that teachers understand students’ needs right from the start and they are not second-guessing what they need.
Subscriptions unlock data to make a difference:
Baseline data
Map what your students know
Predictive data
Set targets and plan next steps
Longitudinal data
Monitor trends over time
Value-added data
Review progress and share best practice
“Sharing the MidYIS student profiles with teachers stimulates discussion and leads to the setting of appropriate levels of challenge. It can also be the starting point for the development of interventions, and senior management can also use it to identify where resources need to be allocated.”
"The intelligent use of high-quality information can enable a secure and smooth transition and for us at Hymers College. MidYIS provides much of the reliable and objective information that we need."
"The most useful aspect of the CEM data is that it provides an objective, standardised guide to the skills sets of our students… The data is at its most powerful when it helps you to understand the needs, strengths and areas for improvement for each individual."
Who are CEM?
We’re a not-for-profit organisation on a mission to unlock every student’s potential with the very best learning and research solutions. We’re part of the Cambridge family, alongside Cambridge Assessment and Cambridge University Press. We’ve been helping teachers clearly see what’s happening in the classroom for over 30 years, empowering millions of students in over 90 countries to achieve ever-greater things.
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