Professor Robert Coe

The Big Evidence Debate

Meta-analysis involves the aggregation of data from existing studies that share key features, in order to create a summary that reflects all the available evidence.

Why assessment may tell you less than you think – Part 2

By Rob Coe

In part 1 of this blog post, I posed five questions about these uses of assessments. I’m...

Why assessment may tell you less than you think – Part 1

By Rob Coe

I was inspired to write this blog by reading Harry Fletcher-Wood's book ‘Responsive...

What should we do about meta-analysis and effect size?

By Rob Coe

In part 1 of this series of blog posts, I set out some of the recent criticisms that...

Serious critiques of meta-analysis and effect size: researchED 2018

By Rob Coe

Since I became a researcher in the late 1990s, I have been an advocate of using effect...

Evidence-based improvement

At the Festival of Education 2018, Rob Coe’s presentation followed on from his recent blog post But...


It has become common, although I still find it surprising, to hear teachers use the word ‘data’ as...

Translating Evidence into Improvement: why is it so hard?

In February Schools NorthEast held their Evidence-based Excellence event, bringing together school...

How can teachers learn to be better teachers?

By Professor Rob Coe

Download Professor Rob Coe’s presentation from the 2017 Festival of Education....

Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon, 1938 – 2017

At the end of January, the educational researcher who influenced me more than any other, my...