Cambridge CEM Blog

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Understanding low vocabulary scores - Quick Guide for Teachers

Vocabulary is an integral part of learning. So understanding why a child might be scoring low in...

Why do baseline tests assess vocabulary? - Quick Guide for Teachers

Vocabulary is important in every aspect of the curriculum. It gives students foundational knowledge...

How do baseline tests assess vocabulary? - Quick Guide for Teachers

Vocabulary is one of the key building blocks for helping students communicate effectively, but it’s...

What affects educational achievement? - Quick Guide for Teachers

The Quick Guides for Teachers collection have been curated by the research and development team at...

Quick Guide for Teachers: An introduction to baseline tests

Understanding student potential and then providing the opportunities for them to fulfil that...

Measure potential with Cambridge Primary Insight

In the ever-evolving educational landscape, it is crucial for teachers and school leaders to have...

5 quick tips for improving primary student outcomes

Lucy Baker, a CEM assessment advisor and former primary school teacher, hosted a webinar where she...

How schools can support post-16 students’ mental wellbeing

Cambridge CEM’s new post-16 lesson plan for the Cambridge Wellbeing Check provides teachers with...

Working with schools in Southeast Asia to understand what contributes to success in education

In February and March 2023, CEM’s Dr Irenka Suto, Assistant Director of Assessment & Research, and...

Why we measure what matters

Kate Bailey, Managing Director at Cambridge CEM shares the story behind the latest assessment...