Cambridge CEM Blog

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Posts about

Rob Coe

Why assessment may tell you less than you think – Part 2

By Rob Coe

In part 1 of this blog post, I posed five questions about these uses of assessments. I’m...

Why assessment may tell you less than you think – Part 1

By Rob Coe

I was inspired to write this blog by reading Harry Fletcher-Wood's book ‘Responsive...

What should we do about meta-analysis and effect size?

By Rob Coe

In part 1 of this series of blog posts, I set out some of the recent criticisms that...

Serious critiques of meta-analysis and effect size: researchED 2018

By Rob Coe

Since I became a researcher in the late 1990s, I have been an advocate of using effect...

Evidence-Based Practice: What it is and what it isn’t

Introduced by Professor Rob Coe

We are delighted to host this piece by Gary Jones, in which he...

Translating Evidence into Improvement: why is it so hard?

In February Schools NorthEast held their Evidence-based Excellence event, bringing together school...

How can teachers learn to be better teachers?

By Professor Rob Coe

Download Professor Rob Coe’s presentation from the 2017 Festival of Education....

A Vision for Enhanced Professionalism

"Teaching is far and away the most important of all professions. Teachers make more difference to...

What is Worth Reading for Teachers Interested in Research?

I give a fair number of talks to groups of teachers and school leaders on the subject of connecting...

Classroom observation: it’s harder than you think

by Professor Robert Coe

We’ve all done it: observed another teacher’s lesson and made a judgement...