Introduction Videos
A series of videos to help introduce you to the Cambridge CEM assessments and reports.
The videos will take you step by step through our assessments and reports, from Early years to Post-16.
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You can navigate around our videos using the contents list below each one. If you're viewing full screen simply click on the menu icon (bottom right) for the content list.
Early Years
Introduction To Aspects And BASE
Introduction to ASPECTS (for ages 3-4)
ASPECTS assessment content
ASPECTS reporting overview
Introduction to BASE (for ages 4 to 5)
BASE assessment content
BASE reporting overview
Question level reports
Class level reports
Parent report
Interactive reports (for BASE Inspection Ready package only)
Progress reports
Early Years
Primary Reporting
Introduction To InCAS
Overview of InCAS
Adaptive testing explained
InCAS modules overview
Attitudes module
Reading module
General Maths module
Developed Ability module
Spelling and Mental Arithmetic modules
InCAS Reporting overview
Report examples
Age equivalences
Age differences
Pupil attainment profile
Standardised scores
Age Comparison Boxplots – Cohort Profiles
Progress Charts
SATS Predictions
Signup to view pre-recorded webinar
Pre-16 Reporting
Introduction To MidYIS and Yellis
Overview of Pre-16 (MidYIS and Yellis) assessments
MidYIS overview and sections
Yellis overview and sections
Example questions
Vocabulary section
Mathematics section
Skills section
Non-Verbal section
Patterns section
The statistics and reports - overview
Standardised scores
Pupil attainment profiles
Predictions and chances graphs
Cohort ability profiles
School and subject Value-added
Post-16 Reporting
Introduction To Alis/CEM IBE
Overview of key features
What is Computer Adaptive Testing?
Overview of assessment sections
Example questions
Vocabulary section
Maths section
Non-verbal section
Measuring ability using average (I)GCSE results as a baseline measure
The statistics explained
Overview of reports available
Cohort Intake Profile
Historical Baseline Test Intake Profile
Individual Student Record
Predictions and chances graphs
Value-added reports