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Below are just some of the great ideas we have rounded up. Ideas from educators from around the world.
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Assessment and Reporting
Support Materials and Training
Customer Service
Customer Comms and Website
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How best to use CEM’s support materials to inform parents?

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Alternative ways to use CEM’s data

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Helping schools with high proportions of ELLs

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Interactive profile
We would find it really useful if we have an interactive profile of a student that could be populated each year with results and goals.

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Group reporting
Can we have reporting that helps us evaluate the performance of students and subjects across our 70 schools, with specific regard to the levels of English literacy?

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I’d like to be able to select pupils in a cohort to be in the same feedback report, regardless on when they joined.
For example, if you test at the start of Year 10 but students join throughout the year this means you will have students in the Year 10 Class of 2022 report and students in the Year 11 Class of 2022 report. It would be far more user friendly if it was possible to select the students for the Year 11 report to be in the same report as the rest of the cohort. Same applies for Students in KS3, for schools that don’t test by year so by the end of Year 9, a student could have joined in Year 7, 8 or 9 and then are all in different feedback reports.

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A teacher login for the Report Centre
So that teaching staff can log straight into the system with a different login from the super user login and have additional features suitable for their profile but so they can also benefit from the interactive functions.

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