Cambridge CEM

Understanding low vocabulary scores - Quick Guide for Teachers

Vocabulary is an integral part of learning. So understanding why a child might be scoring low in the vocabulary section of a baseline assessment gives teachers a solid foundation for focusing their lessons.

Why do baseline tests assess vocabulary? - Quick Guide for Teachers

Vocabulary is important in every aspect of the curriculum. It gives students foundational knowledge...

How do baseline tests assess vocabulary? - Quick Guide for Teachers

Vocabulary is one of the key building blocks for helping students communicate effectively, but it’s...

What affects educational achievement? - Quick Guide for Teachers

The Quick Guides for Teachers collection have been curated by the research and development team at...

Quick Guide for Teachers: An introduction to baseline tests

Understanding student potential and then providing the opportunities for them to fulfil that...

Quality check: are your assessments giving you the best data?

Schools need to be able to trust that the assessment data they have is reliable and robust. But how...

Measure potential with Cambridge Primary Insight

In the ever-evolving educational landscape, it is crucial for teachers and school leaders to have...

Cambridge Wellbeing Check wins Teach Secondary award

The Cambridge Wellbeing Check, Cambridge CEM’s assessment that provides unprecedented insight into...

Celebrating 40 years of assessment excellence

Karen Barker, Deputy Head at Finborough School, shares her experiences of using Cambridge CEM...

Giving your Year 7 students a strong start

The transition from Year 6 to Year 7 is a significant milestone for students and their parents. It...